Sirissa Dalibor

Sirssa is a teacher who will leave you with all the feel good vibes via her soothing nature and gentle sequencing. You can catch her in her natural habitat, teaching all levels, with soft and juicy flows that include guided imagery meditations to help calm the nervous system and ground her students. Don’t let her gentle nature fool you though. You can also find her sweating it out in any of our Sculpt or Hot Flow Classes too. She loves all types of movement practices!

As a therapist and a mom to a toddler, she understands how to effectively guide you through a delicious practice that will give you everything you need to feel nurtured, supported and at ease in your body. Whether you’re taking a rest day from your intense movement practices, or simply need a moment to come back to self, Sirissa knows how to serve up the perfect dose of steadiness, peace and ease for you!


Shelley West


Sophie Schemberger